Healthy to 100

Postnatal exercise with Hannah Finnigan

October 29, 2021
Healthy to 100
Postnatal exercise with Hannah Finnigan
Show Notes

In this episode we follow up with Physiotherapist, Hannah Finnigan, to answer all of your questions about how to safely get back to exercise after having a baby.

Not only does Hannah have a special interest in women's health Physiotherapy but as a mum of two and one on the way, she shares first hand knowledge of how to best maintain your strength and fitness both during and post pregnancy.

For new mums there can be a lot of questions around returning to exercise post pregnancy, including questions around how frequently you should be exercising, what types are most appropriate and how long after giving birth is safe to resume exercise. If you are a new mum or a mum-to-be and are looking for some help on returning to exercise safely then this episode is for you!

If you have a topic that you would like to hear more about, send us a message to and we will try to find an expert to answer your questions!